Reasons to Ditch the Dairy

June is called “dairy month”, due to quickly growing high protein pastures, known to produce an abundance of milk in dairy animals. Considering all the problems caused by dairy allergies and sensitivities, there are better reasons to celebrate June!!

Allergies are probably just the tip of the iceberg as far as the harmful side-effects of milk are concerned. I want to share a book about the connection between dairy and breast and prostate cancer.

First published in Great Britain, in 2000, The No-Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention Program (Virgin Publishing Ltd.), by Jane Plant, Ph.D., an earth scientist, is about a discovery that helped her to defeat her cancer. Not only do the countries where the most dairy is consumed have the highest osteoporosis, they also lead the world in breast and prostate cancers.

While trying to solve the mystery of her own breast cancer which recurred 4 times after the initial cancer was removed, Dr. Plant found that Chinese and Japanese people who do not consume dairy products, have the lowest incidence of breast and prostate cancers. She had been following medical advice and eating yogurt and other low fat dairy products regularly. When she stopped, her cancer did not recur.

I have noted that my own breasts become tender after consuming dairy products, both fatty and fat-free. Ms Plant thinks that the high hormonal content in the milks of other mammals (including goats and sheep) over stimulates the breast receptor sites.

When I studied Mayan uterine massage for self-care with Rosita Arvigo (author of Rainforest Remedies, One Hundred Healing Herbs of Belize,) she said that dairy products settle in the breasts and uterus. In analyzing the eyes of many women, I have seen that indeed, white (over-acid) spots do accumulate in these areas in women on high dairy diets. In the eyes, the prostate in a man is seen in the same location as the uterus in a woman.

fresh_tastesNuts and seeds provide delicious alternatives to dairy products and can be made into milks, creams, smoothies, sauces, dips, and eaten whole for snacks. They’re best if pre-soaked in water for about 8 hours to rid them of enzyme inhibitors. They swell and become sweeter, crisper and easier to digest. For nut milk and cream recipes, see my book:  Organic Annie’s Fresh Tastes for Breakfast (Wheat and Dairy Free).

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