Hearty Red Cabbage Salad

cabbage_saladHearty Red Cabbage Salad

This Hearty Red Cabbage Salad is about as colorful as a salad can get!
Hearty Red Cabbage Salad
Serves 2

  • 1/2 head of red cabbage
  • a pot of boiling water (enough to cover)
  • 1 stalk of celery, diced
  • 1/2 red pepper, diced; or 1/2c grated red beet
  • 1/2 tsp caraway seeds
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 dill pickle, sliced (optional)
  • 1-2 Tbsp orange peel, grated or finely diced (optional)

Cut the cabbage into quarters and blanch for several minutes, un- til it turns a nice purple color. Drain, rinse with cold water and let stand to drain for a little while before chopping into bite-size pieces. Place in a salad bowl and sprinkle with caraway seeds. Toss to moisten the seeds (this helps to release their flavor).

cabb_heart1Mix together dressing ingredients and combine with an equal amount of Chia Gel *, if you have this on hand. Pour dressing over the cabbage, then add the remaining ingredients, toss and allow to stand for 20 minutes, or longer, to marinate.

To make this salad more seasonal, replace red pepper with a half-cup peeled and grated Red beet root. Replace lemon juice with lime, but use half as much.

Note: Lime juice helps neutralize oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is high in foods like spinach, chard, brown sesame seeds and chocolate. Oxalic acid can bind with minerals, causing malabsorption and kidney stones.

cabb_heart2You can increase the heart-friendly factors in any recipe and simultaneously find more delicious ways to boost the veggie content of your diet by incorporating some of the following, which

were used above.

Alkaline-forming foods: the heart and all the organs, tissues and blood need to be slightly alkaline*. The greatest source of alkaline-forming nutrients is vegetables.

Fiber: Cabbage and raw veggies are high in insoluble fiber. Chia gel contains mucilaginous water-soluble fiber that helps to soothe inflammations in the GI tract and to lower LDL cholesterol.

Color: The deep bright colors indicate a high bioflavonoid content, thus more anti-inflammatory and heart protective phytonutrients.

Fat: The dressing is relatively low in fat, and the fat that is used is heart healthy, with a high mono-unsaturated (olive oil) or high in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (flaxseed) or a perfect ration of omega-6 to omega-3’s (about 4:1 in hempseed oil). Be sure to store your oil in a dark cool place, in tightly sealed containers. Light, heat and air make oils go rancid.

Essential Oils: Add a little finely diced or grated orange peel and you’ll be adding limonene, an essential oil in citrus peels, that has been shown to reduce cholesterol as effectively as statin drugs! See “Seasonal Recipes” in the RECIPE section of this website.

*Alexis Carrel M.D was a noted French surgeon and winner of the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine. In 1912, while working at the Rockefeller Institute in New York, he clearly demonstrated the relationship of cleansing and longevity by placing heart tissue from a chicken embryo in an alkaline solution that provided nourishment to the living cells and washed away their acidic waste material. The tissue was rinsed daily in a solution and the solution was replaced the following day. The cells in this tissue survived for twenty-nine years!! They died when a laboratory assistant failed to change the solution. When the solution was not replaced, the cells and tissue died from autointoxication.

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